Disclamer: Game runs like ass. I bought this on my pc (a slightly outdated gaming laptop ill admit but it can run a lot of more modern games on low settings) and it was a torture session. Horrible frameratel, drop ins drop outs every kinda dropping around. Refunded and didn't think about it.

Then i played it at an internet cafe with beefy fucking alienware computers. And it honestly,,,,,,,at ultra still ran like shit. SO i hope the workers in the NASA supercomputer facility are enjoying this game on max settings cause it's fucking gorgeous

I was kind of a vermintide guy, i played vermintide 2 around the time it came out and wasn't overly impressed. I returned to it after playing hundreds of hours of Total war warhammer 2 and enjoyed it a lot more once being familiar with the lore. The gameplay was really hit or miss for me but the writing and world building was awesome for a co-op survival action experience

The same great worlds and writing are here, with LEAGUES better gameplay. This shit RIPS. It's genuinely as engaging as left for dead, something i'd argue the horde zombie FPS genre has compltely failed to do ever since LD2 became the standard, with a sexy 40k skin over it. If you have a good computer, and enjoy decimating hordes of enemies with rifles, melee weapons, or literal fucking handcannons, buy this fucking game.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023
