I'm not a graphics guy. I roll my eyes at the gamers who care about framerate. I stay in my Nintendo lane and do not care to know what an Unreal Engine is. Which is why the whole "they didn't even create new Pokemon models for Sword & Shield" talking point didn't bother me.

But this game initially tested me. The fact that the performance issues was resulting in lag and delayed interface response was admittedly a core flaw.

Just a few hours into it, I went back to not caring. What I cared about was exploring new areas with my Miraidon and sending out my stronger Pokemon in the Let's Go style while keeping my eyes peeled for literally hundreds that I had yet to catch.

I don't think we're going back to linear Pokemon anytime soon. Now to just cross my fingers and hope next time we get some level scaling with the gyms.

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2022
