Tekken 3D is essentially T5/T6 style Tekken on a handheld and it translates surprisingly well, and both the stick and d-pad are great for movement (I even feel as though the flat style stick of the 3DS might even be something I could get used to in Tekken)
The modes are quite limited, no story mode, the main mode I played was the Special Survival mode because it was the most challenging and interesting. But I at least appreciate the collectable 3D stickers you can unlock and look at.

The 3DS' 3D functionality in the game is also worth noting, as most 3DS games tend to try and get the visuals to 'pop-out' at you. While this game instead uses it for greater depth between the fighters and the background in the game. The closest thing I could compare the visuals to are dioramas with little action figures, as the poly-count on the models make the characters look kinda stiff. Whether Bandai-Namco were intentionally going for this look or not is hard to say, but I think it works in the games favour because it's as if there's a little Tekken toy set inside my 3DS and I find it quite charming :)

Reviewed on Mar 14, 2021
