Howlongtobeat put this at about two hours, and it took me 4 while I really looked hard for stuff, as a reference. I was pretty excited to get to this, as a return to the Rapture I love so much, but they've really Bioshock Infinite'd it up so much that I didn't really care for it. If anything, it just made me wanna replay Bioshock 1 and 2 even more than normal Bioshock Infinite did Xp

The gameplay is really nothing special. It's just more Bioshock Infinite for the most part. It even has sky-rails in it (but to be fair, it does make sense in the narrative in the game for things to be different, like Plasmids being drinkable now just like Vigors were). I thought the story was pretty awful though. Really unsatisfying and mostly just all in the ending. Minerva's Den this most certainly is not.

Verdict: Not Bad. Most of the value here is more fairly good first person FPS like Infinite was and the novelty of seeing a pre-fall Rapture (which I didn't find significantly interesting, tbh). The story is really forgettable and feels really rushed and slap-dash. A desperate attempt to link the two games universes in some way that really just should've ended more ambiguously and left it up to the audience to decide an ultimate motive for certain characters, rather than ham-fisting it like they did into some kind of bow.

Here's hoping Part 2 is better!

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024
