I play this all the time when I have friends and family over, but I always want to start from the beginning so they can see the story progression and get a proper difficulty curve (because this game gets fairly hard). Finally actually had a friend over long enough to get through the whole thing last week. It'd put it somewhere between Conker's Bad Fur Day and Octodad in terms of how how much I enjoy it as a very odd-ball, weird game that doesn't take itself seriously.

Stubbs is in the Halo engine (which becomes very obvious as soon as you come across a not-Warthog in the 2nd stage), and it plays like it. Other than the fact that Stubbs is pretty slow until you walk for a little while, where then he goes into a kind of run, and the fact that the game is 3rd person and you don't really have guns, the game controls very very much like Halo. The sticky-grenades work almost exactly the same, the co-op also works exactly the same. It controls far better than Conker's Bad Fur Day, which owes to its enjoyment, but I wouldn't say that the writing was nearly clever enough to raise it to Octodad levels of praise for me. The writing is very Duke Nukem (trying far too hard to be adult or edgy for a laugh) for the most part, and even though it's pretty darn funny sometimes (I fucking love the gas station bit), a lot of the lines, especially towards the end, come off really cringe-worthy. But to each their own on the comedy aspect.

Verdict: I'm not sure if I can justify the price for a physical copy, but if you want a fun game to plow through in 3 or 4 hours with a friend, I'd toatally recommend picking up the XBLA version (if it's still up there). Not quite sure it's worth playing through by yourself, but you have a lot of weapons and silly things to do, and the game doesn't outstay its welcome. It's a fun action game on the Xbox, and probably one of the best non-FPS exclusives for the OG Xbox.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024
