DAMN! This game was great. Definitely the best New SMB game so far. I'd chalk most of that up to not only the great level design and music, which is par for the course, really, but also due to the new wing-suit power up. It just feels like such a more natural evolution of the tanooki leaf and feather/cape, and it just works really well within the levels to provide an easier run while still being very skill based. Especially if you get the bundle with Luigi U, one of my favorite things I've come across on impulse in a long time. Really sorry I missed out on it when it first came out.

Expect a review for Luigi U in a few days, but that game is REALLY hard so far. Kinda surprised they sold it by itself, tbh. It seems like they almost expected you to beat NSMBU first with the skill level that even the first world demands.

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024
