Ah, Devil May Cry 3: the first Devil May Cry game, and perhaps, the first action game of all time. It's a little janky here and there, but damn if getting an SSS combo going doesn't feel great.

I did a normal playthrough as Dante, using pretty much only his default sword. Used mainly pistols too, but swapped to the shotty as necessary. I also stuck pretty exclusively to the "trickster" style. I wonder if any of the other things are good. Pretty wild if so! Tons o' content.

Character action games are a tricky genre. You need a lead that is charismatic, or at least funny; you need combat mechanics that keep things interesting enough without being frustrating; some people care about level design in these for some reason (I think there are a ton of weird little environmental tricks you can bust out with Dante that I didn't do anything with, I rarely ever ran up walls or used the spinny thingy on poles); in sum its a difficult formula to balance. Perhaps this here game, Devil May Cry 3, is something of a first draft of a perfected formula: Coca-Cola back when it had cocaine in it, or that deadly car accident leading to chocolate mixing with peanut butter as discovered by one Officer Reeses. Hard to say. Fun game though.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2022
