SpongeBob's first foray into 3D platforming territory is still up there as one of his worst endeavours to date.

It just feels so much like a fever dreamy game, though the bad kind which ends with you accidentally wetting the bed.

It just isn't pleasant to come back to nowadays and the dreadful levels, non existent plot that might as well not be there, rubbish writing (why is Larry acting like such a dick to SpongeBob for no reason for a start?), piss ugly graphics and incredibly irritating music (all locked to one costume so be prepared to have the stupid Jellyfishing music locked into your brain) certainly make sure of that.

Thank god for the next game Battle for Bikini Bottom because otherwise Spongey boy would have been locked in the confinements of "Typical Rushed Out Licensed Video Game Hell".

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2022
