What a throwback.
So the upscale version looks great. However, its lighting provides a bit of issue sometimes. Literally with a click of a button the game swaps back to ps1 graphics and the lighting is much brighter in some cases. There were a few levels I played entirely under the old format just so I could see better. This is especially useful when looking for a key or navigating through tight corners.

Modern controls are not for me. It sends the camera into a frenzy and tank controls didn’t bother me tbh. I think that's in part to nostalgia and playing these games a lot as a kid. I can see this as a massive turn off for new players because those controls are indeed dated.

The manual save feature makes this game so much easier. I died A LOT and had over 200 manual saves. That is primarily due to the design of the game. It’s really easy to fall to your death or Lara not grabbing a ledge in time. Plus, its cryptic nature can really shrivel your confidence entering different sections of levels. So manually saving before you enter a new area with a thick amount of platforming is heavily recommended. Otherwise, youre gonna back track far just to arrive to that same jump and fail.

None the less, it’s a splendid way to restore a great trilogy. I loved my playthrough of TR1.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024
