Leaving the game in F3s engine was a great idea, as someone who is head over heels for that game. It was a smooth transition for me into this new world of fallout. However, I’ve experience more lag in this game in typical playthroughs. The longer I play, the more unplayable it becomes. Which blows. Unsure if that’s the disc, console, or what. But F3, despite having rough FR drops, never got that consistent. The DLC missions however ran smooth as silk, it was primarily on the strip or random parts of the Mojave desert.

New Vegas has a quicker approach and has a few tweaks to the format compared to the previous game. Instead of karma there is reputation which I think is a solid element. Rather than having an overlapping rep amongst the wasteland. You have different reactions from factions and settlements based on what you’ve done for them or to them.

The combat is improved drastically. Melee feels so much smoother, being able to site-in disables the hefty reliance on the VATS system (which is still great)

Dialogue and exposition can get tiresome. I’ve had a few missions where a conversation drags for 10 mins and I’ll be honest. I’m always trying to fully immerse myself into Fallout when I play. But some of the storytelling here can get lost. It didn’t feel as robust as 3’s divisive missions.

That being said though… New Vegas has an overall better narrative than 3. I think where 3 shines over this one is the side missions and visuals of the wastes, whereas New Vegas has a lot more involvement in the players choices in the grand scheme of things. The side missions weren’t as gripping as 3s and I blame that on a rushed schedule I heard this game had.

Fallout New Vegas is a damn near perfect game and one that I will sure as hell revisit. What an experience, especially after watching the show recently. My playtime was nearly 70 hours total and there was still quite a bit to do!

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
