This caught my eye during the Steam free demo event, and the full game is essentially just the demo gameplay but longer (that's a good thing). At that time it was called "A Monster's Expedition Through Human Exhibitions," which was a better name although I assume it was changed because "Human Exhibition" has a very real and unfortunate history. Humans ruin everything.

The actual exhibitions are the weakest part of the game and are rarely more than tired observations like "Wow, British people drink a lot of tea, don't we?" or "Aren't pools weird when you REALLY think about it?" But if the exhibitions were the point, they wouldn't be scattered across hundreds of islands and require the visitor to build their own bridges and rafts. It doesn't quite recapture the charm of A Good Snowman, but if that style of puzzle game is up your alley, this is worthy of your time.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2020
