I really want to love this game. I absolutely adore the battle system, the dressphere system is bloody genius, i like the non-linear nature, I like the new team dynamic. It had the potential to be one of the best final fantasies, but is sabotaged by several massive problems:
- 50% of this game's completion is easily missable. Sorry that I didn't talk to some random NPC at a random-ass point in the game. There was no way I could have known to do that unless I had a guide.
- The Canonical ending is locked behind said %100 completion. That is inexcusable, especially since everyone was playing the game specifically to see it, and if you dont jump through very stringent hoops, you're not going to see it. This is the ONLY Final Fantasy game with multiple endings, and is the best example for why this should be the only occurrence.
- "Oh, you lost to the penultimate boss of the game? Let me just autosave so you reload into the bad ending cutscene, and have to go back to the last manual save, 45 minutes, three boss fights and two long-ass cutscenes ago."
- This games difficulty curve is just bizarre. You never really seem to get more powerful, since most jobs dont give you over 2000 hp by the end of the game. The only way I was able to feel powerful in this game was to over level a tonberry.
- Spira was boring enough in X, and the best parts of this game are the new dungeons added in. If only there had been more time and focus on new ideas and locations rather than having me walk up and down the thunder plains for the tenth time.
- Most of this game's story is squished between the tail ends of each chapter. This game should not have chapters. All it achieves is mandatory filler episodes for 80% of the game, rather than focusing on the genuinely interesting main plot. In fact, you really have no idea what the game is even about until you get to the final dungeon.

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2020
