This is one of the more conflicting Video Games I've played in my time. This game has the best gameplay of the series, but some of it's worst maps. This game has some of the best characters of this series and compelling moral conundrums, politicking and relationships, but it's story suffers from being spread out in four paths that don't feel complete with forming plot holes and a silent protagonist in a game already that feels like it's trying really hard to emulate Persona's least compelling aspects. The game has the most content in the series but it has so much repeat content in that and a new central mechanic that gets repetitive really quick.

I think on balance this is a good game. I also think it's very deeply flawed and truly held back from greatness by them doing multiple story lines instead of just picking a path and focusing all around that. For the record, I would have picked either the Blue Lions or Black Eagles for that role depending what direction they wanted to go.

Looking back after Engage's release, it's clear to me that the best idea would be taking like everything Engage did but giving it this games story and character writers, just limit them to not doing a path split again. As for Map design, it's really just the most bland in the series and doesn't help with the issue of repetition in a game that is this long.

This game is still really good in my opinion, regardless of it's flaws, the cast is enduring even if they all need therapy, the gameplay itself is the best FE has ever been, and the OST is an absolute banger. I'd just recommend playing the game's paths separately from each other for your own sanity and well being...

also Edelgard did nothing wrong and Claude is hella hot, that's all.

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023
