Using the magic powers of hindsight and post-Fallout 76 Bethesda hate, the gaming community has come together to scorn and mock its once celebrated golden child. In 2023, Skyrim is a buggy, overrated mess, with a terribly dated combat system and mediocre main questline. In 2013, we didn't have the time to analyze and nitpick Skyrim's flaws- because we were too busy falling in love with it.

Like many gamers, Skyrim was my first true gaming love, and it was love at first sight. Nearly a decade later and very few games can capture the majesty and splendor of Skyrim's lush landscapes, accompanied by an rich soundtrack that instantly transports you into the wilds. From verdant forests to icy peaks to foreboding Dwemer ruins, Skyrim is a masterpiece in art design and immersive world building. Every inch feels...alive, a rarity for even the greatest of video games.

The freedom in this world is of course, unparalleled. We all know the sensation of boundless possibility, of travelling to complete one quest and finding yourself peering into every nook and cranny along the way. There are endless ways to approach exploration and combat, and as dull as the melee combat is, I'll admit that the stealth and magic mechanics are still gleefully fun even without mods. It's still a blast cloaking yourself with Ebony Mail (complete with cool shadow effects!) and slitting the throats of an entire bandit camp unnoticed, or baiting enemies into walking into explosive runes, or eviscerating them with shouts. The dungeons and cities and POI are rich, packed with detail, and unique in design and attractions.

Skyrim critics often target the quests and writing- which can be lackluster, if all you play is the main quest (outside of the masterpiece that is Diplomatic Immunity) and the Companions. There are too many iconic side quests to count- No One Escapes Cidihnia Mine, Blood On The Ice, Lost To The Ages, The Wolf Queen Awakened, The Raid, Forbidden Legend, pretty much every Daedric quest- that each tell wonderful stories that bring Skyrim to life while offering fun and unique gameplay options. The Dark Brotherhood questline is my particular favorite- what other game gives you the thrill of whacking the Emperor's imposter, and then killing the Emperor again? This is to say nothing of Dawnguard or Dragonborn, probably the two best DLCs of any game ever made.

Many gamers claim that Skyrim aged poorly, but in an era of broken and incomplete and shallow titles I'd argue there are few games that have aged so well. I have over 2000 hours and counting in vanilla Skyrim alone- what other title gives so much bang for your buck? 11 years later, this is still the best $60 I ever spent.

Reviewed on Jul 26, 2023
