The Callisto Protocol
Playtime: 9 hours (in one sitting too mwaha)
Spoilers: I don't mention any story spoilers but I do talk about how I felt with the ending. I don't say what happened but be careful if you care about how I liked it or not.
I was looking forward to The Callisto Protocol. Ex Dead Space devs making a Dead Space like game seemed really appealing and all the trailers looked fantastic.
How did the game stack up to my expectations?
What you'll notice about this game is how much it is trying to be that feeling of when you played Dead Space for the first time. It's a horror sci fi game that throws you into a brutal situation where you stomp on enemy heads. Hell even your health bar is on the back of your neck.
The feeling is familar and they do nail that approach however it's FAR less scarier and tense than it's orignal origin.
If you're looking for something that will scare the shit of you then you're in the wrong game. The most this game does is offer annoying enemies that after a while, go from horror to just straight out in my fucking way.
The gameplay of the game is kind of like a beat em up. You dodge left or right and block enemy attacks and then counter back with swings. As well as using a small variety of weaponry to go from afar. Plus a gravity gauntlent that lets you sling enemies into spikes. I enjoyed the experience of combat when it was a small group of enemies. You feel overwhelmed but powerful enough to have fun and smash them.
This game however LOVES throwing BIG groups of enemies at you and it's outright terrible game design. The issue comes in the fact you can only dodge enemy attacks that's in front of you. Some enemies also have range attacks. So throw all those at you and an enemy attacking you from behind and you're absolutely fucked beyond all repair.
Thankfully the checkpoint system is generous as all hell but that makes it seemingly worse when you're going at it over and over again because you got attacked from behind and then spit shoots at you.
The game just isn't designed well for the enemy spawns it gives you. It feels clunky and feels like it's not YOUR fault but the game designs.
What is fun is absolutely smashing enemies into all the bloody messed up walls, spikes, grinders and fans. It's a blast to do but it wears after a while.
Ehhhhhhh. It's okay? It's decent enough that it had me theorising but it ends up answering a question that the game doesn't even seem to make you want to care about until it's revealed.
It's a passable narrative that doesn't do anything new. In some parts, it feels like Resident Evil in it's approach but not the good kind. I'm talking RE5 kinda crap here.
Also the ending flatout sucks major asshole and you can tell it's left how it is due to the SEASON PASS FOR A SINGLE PLAYER GAME (FUCK MAN YOU SURE YOU AREN'T AT EA ANYMORE?!) and it's dlc content.
The ending feels lacklustre and left me going "Wellp. Fuck you I guess"
However, up until the ending, it goes okay. It got me from point A to B without hating it.
Everything else:
The acting is great, I will give all the actors props. They all felt real good and Sam Whitwer is just always a joy whenever he gets mad at me.
The music is passable sci fi horror bits and pieces. However some music plays as tense pieces during non tense moments. Like you almost fall off a bridge that you shimmy across and the music acts like your own personal life is endangered.
When I first finished this, I had in mind a 7. But upon finishing my thoughts and including the price tag at launch.
I actually think this game is so subpar in areas and eats not-good ass in most that I hereby give the game a

Only buy it when it's like $15 and you get all the DLC ❤

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2024
