16 Reviews liked by Platypus

Perhaps the most dramatic change for me between this and the remake is the lack of ranged attacks; Where in Saviors it was relatively easy to get some distance from an opponent and then spam your shurikens or whatever, here there’s no such luxury, you have to get in close and personal with your enemies.

It was humbling, re-learning a game I thought I already knew, but I do like the way you have to get the most mileage out of your moveset. For instance, your bomb is good for knocking down enemies, but a bit of utility I didn’t appreciate until now was as a last ditch way of getting out of an enemy’s combo. Same goes for your extra-powerful combo ender, a move I rarely used in the remake, but became a vital part of combat here, ending fights more quickly and making meter-loss all the more devastating.

Devastating might be the defining word here, where so many of the fights are these skin-of-your teeth affairs, with the last boss in particular being something I just barely overcame, winning with only a sliver of health left. The small amount of screen real-estate, the aggressiveness of enemies, your own capacity to be comboed- it all combined to make a fight that was far tougher, far more strict than the comparatively easy fight in the remake.

The biggest difference between the two versions of the fight were the amount of popcorn enemies in Saviors, a steady supply of fodder to throw at Banglar’s capsule, compared to the more dangerous foes that populate the screen as the fight progresses in the original. Victory came down to realizing that some enemies weren’t worth the trouble of trying to toss around, instead fighting them so that more docile enemies would spawn in.

These were the sorts of moments that characterized much of my time with Warriors, realizations of the strengths and weaknesses of each character and the enemies' movesets- things I had been oblivious to when playing through Saviors. Between this and the remake, it’s hard to say which I like more, but I appreciate the way playing through this forced me to properly learn the fundamentals of the game. Comes highly recommended, even if you have played Saviors.