Polaroid's Mega Rush to the 2023 End... Game 6...!

Very good point-and-click with maybe only a few hiccups in some of the traversal and puzzling. Thankfully there's not a whole lot of leaps in logic or confusing puzzles, but it would help anyone looking to check this out to have something to take notes with nearby- just in case.

Some of the later areas and puzzles can get somewhat tedious needing to backtrack through several branching rooms (thankfully segmented off after certain progression), but not having a way to recall back to prior interactive machines or what rooms had what puzzles can get kinda meddlesome- especially since you've got three characters to control.

Bone Totem's atmosphere and presentation are really stellar and I enjoyed the overall worldbuilding, especially since I think a lot of it shines without the need to check every PDA that's lying on the ground (these did get really easy to gloss over late in game). It ramps up pretty quickly which I think is fine, dunno if I would have preferred a more mellow buildup but it only gets a lot more dire from there.

I think the two main leads, Charlie and Mac are just okay- kinda got their arc from the get with maybe one or two twists to keep things going but I wasn't blown away. Moses, the tertiary robot bear and friend of their late daughter, I think is the strongest of the trio and his relation to a later character struck a bit more nearing their arc than the rest of the cast- I was kinda surprised.

Very solid horror point and click, would have preferred to finish this closer to October but had some other stuff on my plate around that time, sadly. I think some of the puzzle interaction can get kinda wonky, and some of the later areas kinda drag, but if you need something that oozes in the tense, the gory and the macabre then Stasis Bone Totem provides from start to end.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
