I'm glad I get new designs of characters i enjoy but like its a gacha, its whatever. Biggest gripe is mostly that a lot of the new modes they've added over time aren't that interesting. I mostly just go in for daily orb rewards, the new banner free pull and then every once and a while i'll do the chapter stuff. Rarely will i touch any of the new modes or train new 5 stars. I'll add a 1/2 star when Marianne gets added in.

Edit: Marianne was added

I played this one time at the recommendation of a friend and he is now in prison for (allegedly) possessing images you should not have

i really don't care about the zombie game

Nothing short of masterful. I cannot think of a narrative that has put so many emotions into one package as these arcs. It's equal parts absurd, stressful, tense, playful, heartfelt, troubling, etc. yet everything remains genuine, passionate and -cheesy as it sounds- magical. My sincerest thanks and respect to Ryukishi, an utter madman of a writer.

I hate this game, probably the worst 3D Mario game. I play it nearly every year and it might be my favorite.