Beautiful art, but that's it. There is a barely a game there. Puzzles are in the way and don't feel rewarding or designed at all. Puzzles for puzzles sake. Voice acting is pretty terrible, and, while you kind of get used to it, it's still bad, like the actors are not native, or have strange accents... it just feels odd.
The game struggles to find what kind of game it is. I guess is sort of a point and click game, but without pointing. Adventure games use the pointing in order to build the world and give more dimension to the interactions, but here there is only one dimension to interact with, so there is barely any interaction, other that go to x press y, solve a puzzle/watch a cutscene and repeat.
It's a shame, because the game is really gorgeous visually, but there is not much game here.

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2023
