It really hurts me to score this game so low. I fell in love with the artstyle and got excited of where the story was heading. The game reminded me of Madoka Magica, which I'm a pretty avid fan of. Not sure if it was one of the inspirations for this or if it's just a coincidence. Either way you could say I had my hopes up

Where this game falls flat though are the gameplay, and worse, the translation. I don't think this can be called a rythm game. You don't really "move with the rythm" like the game sold itself as. It's a little wonky, at times frustrating, but it's berable.

The translation on the other hand is the thing I felt the most disappointed by. For the most part it isn't really a big bother. You can still understand everything going on pretty smoothly despite the occasional errors in text. As the story progresses though, I feel like these issues just become worse. At times the dialogue completely breaks and is not even comprehensible anymore. My understanding of the story suffered a lot due to it and was the thing that left me the most devastated playing this game.

I really wanted to like this. And well... I think I still in a way do. The concept has my heart and I totally see this game's potential. I'm just not sure how much I can recommend it. I'm sad the translation damaged the experience so much. I think otherwise the game would have gotten a way higher of a score from me. Still, it is free on Steam. There's not really much to lose. The game's pretty short too. (took me 45mins) I'd encourage you to give it a chance, if you are interested

Reviewed on Apr 05, 2023
