Chains of Olympus accomplishes what it sets out to do quite well - a portable God of War experience.

In terms of structure and overall gameplay feel, it feels like a smoother and more streamlined GoW1.
This game doesn't take big risks and with that there are some positives. You don't have anything as infuriating as the Hades spinning blades section in GoW1, neither do you have as gimmicky of a final boss battle as well.
It goes a little bit deeper, as magics like the Efreet and the Light of Dawn are pretty much reskins of Poseidon's Fury and Zeus' Fury respectively.

The Blades of Chaos are still pretty fun to use and the combat has a nice flowy feel to it as always.
The Gauntlet of Zeus, which you get way after the halfway point of the game has its uses in comparison to the Arms of Sparta in the sequel. It does a nice amount of damage and there are certain enemies you can't beat without it, so there's some incentive to use it.
Typically I would say that giving it late into the game is a bad thing, but this worked out well, because the game is pretty generous with how much red orbs and various chests it gives in general.
You'll have pretty much maxed your weapons, magic, HP, and magic bar by the final boss.

The game felt slightly longer than Ghost of Sparta, but it was overall pretty short and will take no more than 5 and a half to 6 hours to complete.

Now, the game also has its issues. I replayed it on Normal, so it wasn't as apparent, but on the rare moments I died, I noticed the checkpoint system in this game was pretty bad, so be prepared to either replay certain large sections or rewatch an unskippable cutscene.
By the final section of the game, it also became apparent the enemy variety got monotonous, but luckily the game was short enough to where it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

It has its flaws, but it's a commendable first effort considering the hardware they worked on and it still felt as fun as the first time I played it.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
