One of the better modern wrestling games. The roster is quite extensive and has a good mix of modern stars as well as legends, the game modes offer a lot of variety, 30 years of WrestleMania is a great showcase mode, "beat the streak" is a fun superboss-esque challenge to try and beat at least once, and the creation suite is quite extensive.
Though, just like any other wrestling game, especially those with an yearly release cycle, it has some flaws.
The commentary gets repetitive very quickly, "Defend the streak" could've been handled as another story mode, but instead we got a sloberknocker type match which is already present in the regular game, the models and game can sometimes glitch out, especially in a match with a lot of objects and the AI at time feels pretty subpar.
Despite its flaws, it's still a great game and one you should try if you're a wrestling fan.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2022
