Resistance 1 is a game that I revisit from time to time and beat on co-op with friends. This time we beat it on hard and oh boy was it both frustrating, but also fun to play.

When I played the game initially, I found it to have a pretty cool array of weapons, interesting enemies, and a cool, albeit typical for that era of shooters gloomy setting.

One of the things I most fondly remember was this game's weapon wheel and how you couldn't go far in the game without utilizing the variety of weapons you're given. Luckily, that was still the case and provided for a pretty good and non-monotonous experience.

I had not realized it at first, but one of the things that hard difficulty really showcases is how unforgiving the checkpoints in this game are. If you die a lot, be prepared to replay big sections of a level once again.

The story by itself isn't anything special, but when I first played through the game, the overall in-game universe intrigued me enough to go and read a lot of the stuff on the fan wiki. I spoiled myself on a large part of the series and hadn't even tried out the other games yet, but that's a separate issue. :D

Outside of the checkpoints, the most disappointing part was the final boss. Without spoiling too much, there wasn't really one and felt like you were defeating waves of enemies instead. However, final bosses were rarely this series' strong point.

If I didn't play it on couch co-op, I would likely have a different opinion, but I still enjoyed this game quite a bit, just like the old times. There are better shooters than it, and it shows pretty clearly that it's a PS3 launch title, but there's something about this game that makes me revisit it. Checkpoints and the "final boss" slightly bring it down, I'm willing to overlook them, because of the overall experience.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
