YOU GO TO HELL TO SAVE YOUR BEAUTIFUL LOVING WIFE THIS GAME ROCKS. In reality I did enjoy this game way more then bayo 1. I do think there is some things that holds this game back. This may be because of just skill I have gained from Bayo 1 but this game felt like CONSIDERABLY easier then the first. I don't want to be hit with a stone award after every mission but getting consistent silvers I went "oh?". I also think the retreading of old environments/enemies a little like same-y? It isn't done an insane amount but enough of like "I wish I fought a bit more new enemies and didn't go to a place that feels the same even if the layout is different". The bosses feel way cooler in this game and way more of an epic scale of shit (except nothing like jubileus). I think overall there is just more shit to do in this game including the fact you can just play as Jeanne if you want to aswell. And while she plays similar enough she has her own unique style. I didn't talk about it with Bayo 1 but these games have such good fucking music aswell and 2 doesn't let down. Definitely really glad I started the series and this was a great sequel

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2023
