Still a great time, lots of inventive stuff and great music but it really is the difficult second album.

I know a lot of people look at this as the Empire Strikes Back but in this case I definitely prefer the titles either side.

Playing it now the end game whilst not bad is definitely disappointing. Wing Fortress is maybe the biggest dip for me a big downgrade to look at after Flying Battery in 3 and although the final bosses are great I wish Death Egg was a full zone like Scrap Brain.

Also I do love the special stages but it's less hypnotic than 1's and less tense than 3's, that and Tails is a liability.

Still with all this poor comparisons to it's prequel and sequel it's a great time.
These days just loading it on Switch online and running through it in a couple of hours is a good time, even if you don't go for the Chaos Emeralds or even finish it there's a great cosy feeling with fantastic music and beautiful sprites amongst lovely level design.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2022
