Add this with Power Stone to the list of odd forgotten games Capcom need to bring back.
Although as I type this I'm having a horrific image of Zack & Wiki in the RE engine.

A game that after finishing it again in 2022 I can confirm is deserving of being on all of those "Wii Hidden Gems" lists, whilst not perfect in it's execution it's a game that is up there with the most fun and interesting uses of motion controls.

The frustrations come with, not a lack of inaccuracy which all can suffer from, but for me with the attempt at putting some timing and reaction based bits in alongside auto fail options.
The final boss in particular I had to turn the console off yesterday because I didn't get the timing and didn't want to throw a wiimote out of my window.

The presentation of this game is great, the characters are joyful, the items work as you'd expect and most of the puzzles have a simple but fun logic to them only held back by the occasional experimentation which turns into failure (you'll become familiar with the restart screen).

The random map scouting collectathon thing feels a bit weak and tacked on but "content" wise there is a decent amount of stages, some fun variation, funny bosses and even some hidden stuff for after if you so desire.

If you hate motion controls this game is clearly not for you but do not except to be standing up doing bowling poses.
If you are fine with them, you need to get this played.
Frustration can happen like any point n click which this game definitely shares DNA with but the internal hint system is very generous and hey, it's fifteen years old you can look up a guide if you like. I won't tell.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2022
