No rating for this right now because in the end I skipped through the story as I just wanted to fiddle with stuff and I cannot with any confidence tell you if the story is good, bad or in-between.

I can say the bit of voice acting I heard was nice, but I wasn't downloading this for an emotional journey.

What I was downloading it for was some simple puzzles with a tactile feel and I would say I got what I wanted.
I'd have liked the if the complexity had a higher peak and it went towards that faster, not even necessarily asking for a head scratcher but when it's too simple it felt too guided.

The simple swipe controls were great, I barely felt I was fighting with them and more often it felt actually like things would move exactly how I liked them and if this were a 90's magazine review I'd give Tactility 95%.

I do want to see what the story was along side this, so maybe check back in the future. Or don't, I'm not your mum.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2022
