After the Rock, Paper, Scissors Splatfest I was thinking that I'd rate this game lower than the previous entries.
Not because it was a bad experience but the new weapons, power ups and tri-colour battles didn't feel like enough to have waited all this time for.

Many people said "Splatoon 2 is barely a sequel" for similar reasons, being "more of the same" of it's Wii U predecessor but gliding past that on the fact it's on a console a lot more people own and were excited about.

However after getting the full game in hand, playing through the single player, post game and a lot of the rest (45 hours so far) I have a much higher opinion.

The game is still very much "more of the same" as discussed but there's enough additional content, improvements throughout and time since the last release that I can't actually rate it lower.

Salmon Run being playable whenever is fantastic, the new bosses and Cohozuna add some extra spice and some real excitement that puts it above how it was in 2.

The lobby for the 'main' multiplayer is a vast improvement and whilst Nintendo still haven't quite caught up with how to run an online game in 2022 I've rarely had issues. Just a shame there's no party chat on Switch.
The map selection is good, there's some cool gimmicks the new weapons don't set the world on fire but add another bit of variety.
The new supers are cool too, obviously I'm a fan the Crab Tank because essentially it's a mech.

Tableturf Battle the card game is surprisingly good, there's a decent amount of strategy and variation in the game.
Just a shame that as of now it's only against AI, but looking at where the tables for this game are in the hub world I have to imagine, or at least hope, that online play will be added to it.

There's plenty to collect there, personalising now not only your fashion but banner and locker (the oddest addition to me) really adds to the world and it's vibe. This stuff is the least ground-breaking but it feels well thought out and less tacked on than it could.

Finally the single player content, whilst a lot easier and maybe not quite as good as Octo Expansion you can see lessons have been learnt.
A good few stages are simple but the unique concepts, getting to do full stages as some of the new power ups and the amount there is gives Splatoon 3 a respectable campaign.

As imaginative as Mario? Of course it's not quite there.
Worth buying the game for alone? Not at £40 but if the single player were a 15-20 quid indy game folk would be lapping it up.
The post credits stuff is great, a nice challenge and the bosses are wonderful but I do not want to spoil.

Overall Splatoon 3 is an absolute banger.
It takes everything including lessons from the previous games, gives you the best of it all and adds on top.
If you hated Splatoon 2 then this won't change your mind but also... have a look at yourself.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2022
