Immortality is a very intriguing and sometimes wonderful experience than truly drills into your mind and burrows under your skin.
The acting is top notch, the quality of production is very high and the concept and story are great.

However I can't quite review this fairly because I believe Sam Barlow cursed my copy of the game and due to this over the last couple of days I felt I was going a little insane.

Briefly just in case you don't know, you're given clips of 3 different films starring the same lead actress that were never released. You start of with few and gain more as you click on actors, crew and objects with in the scenes.
As these films were unreleased the clips are not just from a finished production but can also include rehearsals and more behind the scenes views.
The only real question you are given is "why?", why were these films all canned.

A problem I had with Immortality compared with Her Story and Telling Lies is that I felt I lacked a goal, I felt directionless.
This is not to say I need a marker on screen saying "do this" but bar the 'About' page in the game I had no idea why I was doing what I was doing or for what purpose.
Arguably it's not any worst than the others for it, but the previous 2 FMV games made me feel a lot more like a detective of sorts.

What further exaggerated this issue for me was that once I had given myself small objectives; find out why film 1 was cancelled, find out what happened with character X etc and done these I still felt no further to an actual definitive end.

I'm avoiding spoilers but there is something else going on through these films, something you do then want to dig into and discover more of. However even when I had guessed (correctly) that side of the plot I still felt stranded.

Making matters worse and really causing me to start to lose my grip on the real world was the fact that HLTB said this game was 5 hours, 3 friends I had spoken to had seen credits within similar times and played more after to find more scenes.
I had put in more hours than all of them.

Now this wasn't because I was watching the same bit over and over, it wasn't because I missed a mechanic or didn't "get it". I had conversations with two of them where I showed that I had seen more and more importantly understood more than both of them but the end, the credits, never triggered for me.

In my 11th hour, literally and figuratively I finally got there...

...only for the game to freeze part way through, lock up and me have to turn it off and on again.
If I wasn't already quite tired I may have pulled my hair out.

I restarted the game, recreated my final steps and nothing.
I noticed that the Achievement had cleared and ended up fucking it off and watching the few minutes I missed on YouTube.

Is this a review or just a rant now? You decide.

If you want TLDR about the game and not me losing my mind I'd say.
Not as good as Her Story, which tbf is a GOAT, probably better than Telling Lies.
Extremely high production quality and a wild story but a lot more aimless and sadly does not give you the same feelings that made me sit and do Her Story in one go with a pad and pen next to me.

It's on GamePass so is "free" for a lot of folk, I spent one whole GBP to get a PC GamePass trial because this'll run on my crap laptop (craptop?) so maybe it will work for you too.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2022
