A very casual oriented gacha which is perfect for me since every gacha I've played is GO HARD GRIND HARD GRAAA. I really like the writing in this game, the characters all feel very human and fun. Story's simple but fun enough, gets pretty interesting in the later parts.
Gameplay's fine, you can have some real fun moments and it can be fun to turn on auto and see big numbers go. Music is solid but it feels like the devs AND fans forgot to upload the OST to YouTube. Graphics are very nice pixel art and the Dragalia Lost guy is still great at making art.
Honestly I go back to this game because of the writing. It appeals in ways I really, really like and I love the small stakes character interactions between the cast. Literally every playable/gachable character is likeable, and also usable so you won't be (that much of a) liability picking favorites as long as you go for a theme. Objectively this ranks simply "good" but this game just makes me really happy.

Reviewed on Sep 20, 2022
