Ahh, Oblivion. What can I say? This game's delightful. Fair warning, it's very generic High Medieval Fantasy, and the gameplay's very.....mediocre. But oh my god, the world is so deep. Every city, all 9 of them, has so many quests, many of them really interesting! Even the smaller sidequests! And the main questlines are all really cool and have these interesting twists and turns that actually makes you think "oh! this had a writer! maybe more..." feeling that you just, don't get with Skyrim. The magic system is expansive, and naturally restricted to the Mages' Guild, the Daedric quests are great and the rewards for them are great too. However. The gameplay really is very dull. And the gameplay loop is a proto-skyrim, meaning that it's not at ALL refined and it's usually just, not, fun, to be quite honest. ONE PERSON was responsible for every single dungeon in the game. Repetition is the name of the game. Play this with mods though, and it holds up very well! Play it vanilla, and it's a good game, albeit dated.

Reviewed on Aug 19, 2022
