Holy SHIT.

I am so happy Pikmin 4 turned out this good because Pikmin is a serious that always gets a quiet amount of enjoyment, with responses from the general gaming community either being largely ignoring the series, casually enjoying it, or really disliking the series and finding it boring, but now that this game came out and had the spotlight for a fair bit, it's safe to say that Pikmin has finally reached the attention and general acclaim that most other similarly good nintendo franchises have, which is great because this game is EXCELLENT.

It builds upon the format of Pikmin 2, while improving on a lot of is weakest elements like balancing and level design, while also progressing the series forward in incredibly interesting ways. Obviously Oatchi has the game's community in a stranglehold which is good because Oatchi is one of the best things about this game, but even the ability to play at night and the switch from top-down to third person makes the game feel a lot more immersive and interesting to explore than the previous game. It also has very beautiful graphics considering the system its on and a soundtrack that, while mostly vibey and ambient can work in a couple REALLY good tracks.

Most of this game was pretty great standard pikmin fun but what really elevated this game from "The best pikmin game" to "EASILY the best pikmin game" is this game's post-game content. I am not gonna bring up what exactly happens in it but it's absolutely fucking IMMACULATE.

I am so incredibly tired of games this good being seen as "too niche" or "made for no one" because they're fucking great and I'm glad that being put on a console with an audience is having this game succeed to the degree it deserves. And that's not just because it means that I probably won't have to wait another decade for the next one.

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

Also before you ask, the reason I didn't play Pikmin 4 on release was because I lost a bet.