Well this is disappointing.

I dont think this game is bad but it is just kind of mixed. And by mixed i mean that it has an absolutely gorgeous presentation with incredibly music, lighting, staging, and setpieces to make a visual and auditory experience that will stick with me for years to come, but it also has an incredibly clunky, one note, and unfun gameplay loop that is zero fun to play from beginning to end and never gets interesting at any point.

If this game was like Journey or Abzu where at the very least the gameplay was minimalized so you could soak in the visual and auditory magic, then that would be one thing. But it isn't. It puts its gameplay much further in the foreground than either of the games I mentioned, and that's why it drags down this game more.

I'm sure this will have varying levels of effectiveness on everyone but while the game is beautiful on a visual and auditory level and has a fairly interesting narrative, as someone who actually likes to play the games that put gameplay in the foreground, this game feels like a major defeat.

Reviewed on May 15, 2022
