Very cozy cooking game with a great soundtrack and touching story. Rushes the ending a bit.

I tried the classic mode and then played most of the first story. The basic survival gameplay loop works well but something that didn’t quite click with me about gameifying the experience of a civilian in a war torn country. Obviously it’s done with more care than the direct military propaganda of the popular AAA fps franchises, but something feels really off about diminishing such a haunting experience down to a survival game with all the genre-expected gameplay tropes. I was min-maxing manmade horrors.


It’s like a taste sampler for a few popular games/genres of the late 80s and early 90s. One of the five games is an endless runner section which, while certainly still fun, stands out for not being a direct homage to another game. The plot served enough of a purpose to link the games together though the cutscenes could have been shorter for my tastes. The story felt meandering and somewhat unearned, and it took me out of enjoying the game for its presentation of a bite-sized gameplay variety pack.