I wanna get this out of the way right now: Mega Man 4 is a good game. It’s fun, it’s not bad. However, it is definitely the least interesting of the original six NES Mega Man games. It is the most standard game, the one that is not exceptionally good or notably bad. It’s just a solid and fun game in a great series. Now, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot to be said about it, or that game designers can’t learn from it. The game does add a decent amount of new elements to the series that are worth looking at, and of course since the game is fun overall, there are elements of its stage design that stand out.

See the full review here: https://medium.com/@QueenEmilysCourt/mega-man-4-its-pretty-good-i-guess-230998625324

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
