While not a masterpiece of fiction, Dissidia 012 is a great time for Final Fantasy fans. Containing all of the content from the original along with a new bonus chapter, the game offers interesting and in-character interactions from the series' myriad of protagonists, brightly displayed before the intriguing, albeit admittedly convoluted backdrop of its main storyline. In one of the most baffling story decisions I've ever seen in a video game, Dissidia 012 decides to lock the most important pieces of its lore behind a incredibly difficult, grind-filled postgame, of which I didn't bother to complete despite legitimately enjoying what else the game's narrative had offer. For your own sanity, look these cutscenes up on YouTube.

Narrative aside, the real reason to play Dissidia 012 is the timeless gameplay. The Brave/HP attack system is utterly unique amongst its fellow fighting games, and the push/pull dynamic it creates fosters endless opportunities for cinematic clashes and surprising comebacks. The customization options for each character is robust, and the amount of characters available - along with a myriad of fun unlockables such as costumes - is guaranteed to keep you entertained once you get used to the flow of combat. Gameplay wise, this is one of my favorite fighters of all time, and the level of content on display here is impressive at even today's standards.

Overall, this game is very good mechanically, with a story that ranges from dullingly simple to robust and complicated. However, if you're like me and can simply get enjoyment out of watching your favorite characters stand in a room and chat, you'll have a great time regardless.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
