DE is a unique game. At first glance, it's extremely barebones. No story, minimal visual flair, no combat animation, no real guidance. You're given the task of exploring all the floors of the dungeon and that's it. As you go through the game, floors keep adding various gimmicks to spice things up, and enemies will keep getting stronger and can often give status effects that can affect the party in very significant ways. I found the general loop of the game really fun, if maybe a bit repetitive after several floors, though the new gimmicks certainly demand a different approach more often than not. I was really surprised with how unforgiving the game can be sometimes, as a small mistake can lead to a lot of trouble. Also, while at first your mobility is pretty limited, as you get more abilities you can easily ascend or descend floors or move pretty much anywhere you want without much hassle. So, while the first few floors might feel slower, eventually it's becoming much more easier, given your tools. As for the combat, while it's nothing of note, a lot of its appeal is around the fact that maintaining your party and trying not to die is a much more important task than simply winning a fight. Overall, a decent experience for its price, it has a lot of cool stuff to play around, and even if there's not a story or cool visuals, it's still very fun.

Reviewed on May 11, 2022
