Partly an epilogue to the rather long Erebonia/Crossbell arc, and partly a teaser for the upcoming Calvard arc, Trails into Reverie is a celebration for the series up to this point. In a similar manner to something like Yakuza 0, it employs multiple perspectives to tell its story and it features a huge amount of mini games and side content. It's very straightforward, it doesn't feature the typical loop of the series as it's quite a bit more linear, and there's a bigger focus on dungeoneering, but still, most staples of the Trails games are there. It felt like a refreshing break and really enjoyed it for that.

Reverie also features a really big cast, with over 50 playable characters. This might sound daunting, and while I'm generally a fan of a small party, I really enjoyed trying different combinations and managing characters in order to tackle the various dungeons and bosses. After so many installments to the franchise, it's really cool to see how the gameplay has evolved, and I have a lot of fun with it, so the amount of options in this game makes it the perfect playground. I just wish it had a few more QoL options, like presets, in order to manage all the characters more efficiently.

Overall, if you're at the point where you're planning to play Reverie, you already know what Trails offers and it's a really easy sell. Everything you love about it is there, from the expansive world building to the beloved characters and the engaging gameplay. It's another great addition to the series, and it also succeeds in building excitement for the future. As mentioned, there are also tons of mini games in it that I'd really recommend trying, some of them are really fun.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023
