Red Dead Redemption 2 is a beautiful story told through the gaming medium. The attention to detail is almost unmatched by any other game.

Rockstar delivers another fantastic narrative for this game that focuses on whether or not a bad person can change their ways and be “redeemed” in a short period of time. The story is very emotional and touching. Its quality is rarely seen within the gaming industry. The story struggles with pacing at times and feels just a little bloated, but the overall quality far outweighs these small issues.

The gameplay of RDR2 has quite a bit of depth. Besides the main missions of riding a horse and shooting, there are a lot of side activities to do such as hunting and fishing. Rockstar really created a sandbox full of fun things to do. Sadly, the main gameplay of shooting the enemies didn’t click with me. I think the gunplay feels a little slow and both third and first person is slightly off. There are also long sections of riding your horse between areas which can get quite boring.

The game world is absolutely gorgeous. Everything is crafted so well that it makes the environment feel real and beautiful. This is paired with some of the best voice acting in gaming and a score that accents the games best moments perfectly.

The side content in the game offers some of the best dialogue that it has to offer. The online also has some fun to be had even though it seems to have died down now. There are also a few options of endings to be had depending on your choices throughout the game. The only thing that hurts replayability is the slower sections of the game. After you’ve anlready played through them once it becomes much harder a second time. All of this combines and makes RDR2 a very replayable game despite that.

RDR2 is an incredible game with a story that will go down in history as one of the best gaming has to offer. If you don’t mind the excessive horse riding and the gunplay fits your play style more then I can fully understand you seeing this as a perfect game.
( 93/100 )

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
