I decided to revisit Skyrim, and to what should be nobody's surprise, it is still a fantastic game. When a game blows up as big as Skyrim did its not surprising to see so many people calling it overrated or saying it wasn't good. Those people are absolutely wrong.

The story of Skyrim is definitely not its strong suit. It is a fairly basic chosen one story that has been told many times before. The moments of depth that come from it are located within its civil war storyline. This questline starts off by seeming very intriguing and philosophical, but it feels rushed and unfinished by the end of it. Luckily, there is plenty of elder scrolls lore to be discovered throughout the vast game world to make up for this.

The gameplay is initially very fun. Looting dungeons, leveling up skills, and crafting new armor and weapons is a fun gameplay loop for a majority of the game. Due to the enemy scaling and a slight lack of combat depth, this gets quite repetitive near the end of a playthrough. The enemy scaling also makes it difficult to drastically change your build without feeling underpowered, which only further adds to the repetitiveness. Even with these issues, exploring the world and fighting dragons is still some of the most fun you can find within an RPG from this era.

Skyrim's world is beautiful. The northern lights that can be seen and the way it looks from a mountain top is stunning. The soundtrack for the game is also a masterpiece. Every track feels so fitting for the game and is beautifully crafted.

Bethesda created one of the most replayed games ever with this one. It is not surprising to see people with a large number of playthroughs. This is due to the great build variety in the game and how packed with content it is. Even if you just wanted to do one playthrough it would take you many hours to complete all of the major quests, and even longer if you wanted to fight the ebony warrior.

Overall, Skyrim is a game with an average fantasy story and great gameplay that slightly shows its age. However, it is carried by its beautiful, content filled map, excellent soundtrack, and high replayability. It is far from the greatest game ever, but it by no means deserves the hate it currently gets.
( 92/100 )

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2024
