Previous Soulsborne I just could never enjoy playing. I loved watching them and think they are great games, but I just could never enjoy playing them.

Eldin Ring was the first one that I loved playing and got hooked. I'll admit, I am a sucker for character creating, big open worlds that I can explore however and whenever I want, and a jump button. That last one is silly, but I like to jump around as I aimlessly wander.

The story in this game is wonderful, the music is majestic, the gameplay is fun, and I just overall miss a game that actually is challenging and respects the player. The game subtly tells your what to do and where to go, but allows you to say "naw, I'm good" and go off the beaten path.

Simple review because you really should experience it for yourself. It's well worth your time, if you're willing to put in the effort and enjoy risk/reward.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023
