This was included in my steering wheel and pedals-pack that I got around year 2000. Dad must've spent a fortune getting me that... Thanks, dad! Had many fun two player sessions with this game. I don't think it had 2-player splitscreen, so we just took turns. Like you'd do back when you were a kid. I liked using the skull car. Some tracks had an ominous feel to them, for some reason. That graveyard track was downright scary. I used to drive off track and just explore, which often left me feeling lonely. One track had a train... Something about driving underwater, too, obsessed me...

But for all these strange details that I remember, I don't think I had much fun. The trucks moved slowly, there was no splitscreen like my other car games, and I never felt incentivized to win. Rather than race, I'd find the moving train somewhere on the map and get sent flying by it, or find slopes to do flips on or something.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024
