It's really hard to score this game. From one perspective, this is a ridiculously difficult that would have been almost completely inaccessible to someone unfamiliar with Wizardy. Even if you were familiar with the game, it was still ridiculously easy to get killed. It also barely evolved visually four years on from the previous title. Something like this would never in a million years be greenlit today, and that's where the other perspective comes in.

This game was basically designed for Wizardry masochists in the first place, so if you approach it from that mindset, it's brilliant in a sadistic way. The concept of turning the original game upside down and playing as a defeated Werdna is cool. The monster catching is a novel gameplay mechanic, and even the struggle to make it out of the dungeon has a certain allure to it. Some of the NPCs are even named after player's characters who sent their saved character disks to the developer.

It's sort of like the extended cut of David Lynch's Dune. I would only recommend it to the diehard fans, because they would appreciate the audacity, despite the flaws.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2024
