Vonderharr and the team decided that an unpolished and half assed battle royale would be the focus of the game's budget and have mutliplayer, zombies, and any other post launch plans get botched because of it. And all the while multiplayer becomes over reliant on specialists and plagued with boring three lane map design. And then zombies suffers most of all with awful changes to the perk, point, pack a punch, and health systems, god awful UI that covers half the screen, replacing BO3's fun gobblegum system with shitty elixirs, and having all the Aether maps be reused assets instead of anything truly innovative. Not to mention the chaos story was so forgettable and got cancelled half way through and the conclusion to Aether story was relegated to a anti climatic and dissapointing slide show that makes Revelations' ending look satisfying.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2020
