If you made an average 3D platformer and then went back to take all the fun out, you'd be left with something resembling this game.

There is a weird perception in the dev community that what people liked about Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie (games from the golden era of 3D platformer "collectathons") was that there were a lot of things to collect.

Collecting things is just a means to an end. A goal to give the player that allows for the real gameplay to take place, the platforming.

Good 3D platformers have fun movement that makes the simple act of running around collecting random stuff engaging. The classic scenario for someone booting up SM64 for the first time was that they spent the first 10 minutes just running and jumping around outside the castle before ever stepping foot into the first level.

Kao is not fun to play. The movement is slow and straightforward, with no interesting movement options. The jumping is imprecise, with Kao clipping through or sliding off platforms constantly. They didnt even bother trying to make combat somewhat unique. Just mash the punch button.

The only thing this game has going for it is the fact that the devs filled each if its levels with lots of things to collect. That's it.

Even the most die hard fans of games with collectables will have a hard time getting through this one. Not because of well placed secrets or clever level design though, but because you'll be battling trying to stay awake while playing it.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2023
