I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, it strikes me very much as a "student's first game" sort of project, with very simple graphics, no story to speak of, minimal graphics, etc. On the other hand, it presents itself very well. The music is well-fitting and relaxing, of the sort of genre that I like, the graphics are crisp and the lighting makes it feel not repetetive despite it all just being the same blocks everywhere. I 100% completed it with all achievements and moving at a leisurely pace in only 26 minutes. I don't think I'm going to go back to it. If I'd bought this game on an impulse or heard it talked up somewhere and bought it at full price, I'd be upset with my purchase. But since I got it in a humble bundle full of other games I'd had my eye on, I'm kind of okay with it. I don't know if I agree with the "overwhelmingly positive" rating it's being given though. It's a good game, keep in mind, but the question being asked by this review system is if I would RECOMMEND it. And I'd have to say no. It's too bare-bones, too much like a student project or a freeware game. I enjoyed it, but I would not recommend it.

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2021
