3 Reviews liked by Raydex

I kept losing to friends. Made me realize that the anime is below mid.

As a kid with responsible parents who took the time to read the GTA box, this game was an acutal life saver. The voice lines are burned into my brain. Even now when I collide with something, in a vehicle or otherwise, I go 'Aww i dropped my Kebab' or 'eat asphalt asphalt eaters'.

With this being said, the last mission made me grow up too soon. This thing, this 'game level' was designed by the CIA to break communist sympathisers, and was forgotten until Matt Groening stumbled upon it and decided to release evil into the world again.

Genuinely, I stopped playing this game cause of it and only completed it a year after when I did it in one go, and felt anger I had never felt before. Luckily I was using the shitty bad controller when I smashed it against the table.

Lego once more deliver us an "automatic game” very similar to what they release every year. This game have a very chaotic first stage: dynamic, but with a lot of visual pollution, after that all other stages follows a repeated formula. For someone who enjoys casual gaming like me, i played for fun, but they should realize they could give better games than that.