Lame try to revive the Valkyrie Profile IP.

>Story is boring and cheap.
>Repetitive scenarios, repetitive reskinned enemies the entire game.
>No real exploration, pretty much nothing to do except fight.
>Extra quests are SO LAME, its just repetitive "go to the same area, clear the enemies again".
>NPCs are just light on the map, no art, anodyne dialogues, it's totally uninteresting. In the first hours of the game you already don't give a crap about the einherjars backstories.
>ONLY 4 FCKING EINHERJARS, they just don't know what a VP games is.

Only 2 good things IMO, the combat is ok and the bosses are really good. Bosses were the sole reason why i didn't drop this game.
Soleil doesn't know what they are doing. This game reeks low-effort.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2023
