Long before I decided to become a game reviewer, I used to jot down brief thoughts on the games I was completing in order to capture my feelings for personal archival purposes. Since then, I’ve of course evolved my craft into full-fledged write-ups, but I do think there is enough merit to some of the earlier critiques to warrant their publication, especially for titles I do not intend on replaying (in the near future at least). I’ve thrown in some updates, but this is one of them.

-Beautiful menu interface

-Graphically the game is gorgeous, but I had to turn down my settings to not only to stop it from constantly crashing (though even then it would still occasionally crash) but to stabilize the fps and avoid motion sickness. The Frame Rate takes a particular hit when turning the mouse. Not as bad as in the Portal elevator, but still not good.

-Texturing in particular is extremely well done, even though the worlds are mostly simple.

-Egyptian carvings on walls are impressive at first until you realize they are just repeated ad nauseam.

-Matrix glitches are cool

-Water effects were good

-No character shadows or footprints

-Lots of particle effects but nothing substantial- raindrops hit the ground but don't splash, clouds rarely move, falling leaves phase through the ground.

-Game's philosophy is really good via the terminal entries, Milton Library Assistant (MLA) dialogue, and QR codes that reveal messages from other players, but The Talos Principle’s biggest problem is that the puzzles don't relate to the philosophy. They act more like literal levels serving as a barrier between the philosophical checkpoints. As a result, the game starts to significantly drag towards the end. Though I admire the developers for putting in this content, it honestly could've been made shorter to better serve its story.

-MLA reminded me a lot of the Computer from Courage the Cowardly Dog with his sarcastic attitude. I liked the number of responses the developers put into the interactions with him. The psych profile in particular was a big trip since it nailed my mindset.

-100% ending sucks.

-Like that level signs get crossed-out/X-ed when you complete a level so that you know if you completed it. Unfortunately, the stars are deliberately not made clear, so that can get a little annoying.

-The levels for the most part are very well-made. Aside from a few, I never once felt that there was a difficulty spike- they were all solvable. One thing I would say is I hated the levels that relied on you having to pull secret levers as that didn't require skill and was more of a pain.

-Lack of checkpoints in levels was also annoying. It's obviously fine in the short ones, but in the longer ones it can be anger-inducing.

-Hate that resetting resets the entire world rather than just the specific level, as it hinders your ability to get the stars that require some change from different levels.

-The tetris puzzles got tiresome towards the end (bonus star doors and the elevator doors).

-Hate the lack of quick travel between the three stations, especially during the end part where you have to drag the ax around between them.

-Esc menu music = opera (different from the game)
-Music transitions are naturally done

Reviewed on May 27, 2023


I think you hit the nail on the head for "Puzzles don't relate to the philosophy." Played through it five years ago and I was wondering the same thing. I'm not even sure if the game addresses them. Though maybe I just forgot since I was reading terminals sometimes. Did not expect the computer from courage the cowardly dog here lol. But makes sense.

With the recent news of a sequel from the playstation showcase, I hope the devs iron out some stuff the first had.

1 year ago

@Detectivefail Yeah, from what I remember (and by remember, I mean browsing Wikipedia to refresh my memory), the puzzles were a way of advancing the Android's intelligence, and the problem is that was it- they weren't related to the very interesting conversations you were reading/having. And haha yeah, they were very similar!

Yes sir, I am very excited! Didn't think it would ever come out. The announcement is the reason I started playing Road to Gehenna (which will get a proper review). I do wonder how they'll go about making the puzzles for the sequel though in light of what happens at the end of the first game. I'm just hoping it's not a prequel or sidequel.
lol I should've read the wikipedia entry to refresh my memory as well. And nice. I never played Gehenna. But looking forward to reading your review about it!

Yeah same. Thought the ending talos principle... well lets just say I'm not sure how its going to work for the sequel lol. But excited to hear more about it tbh. Talos Principle was one of my favorite puzzle games aside from portal. Even if I had some issues with it, I still enjoyed my playthrough.

1 year ago

@Detectivefail Thanks man, tl;dr it unfortunately felt overly difficult compared to the OG game, though it is 100% possible this was because I played it long after beating its predecesor.

Hopefully we get some footage soon if it's set to come out this year!
Oof that sucks to hear. I felt the endgame puzzles in the OG one got really mind-twisty for lack of a better term. Not all of them. But some of them made me scratch my head at times. So to hear about the dlc being more difficult is giving me yikes vibes lol. Though, nice to hear you say you played it long after. Could be an outlier experience maybe from the usual norm.

And yeah i'd love to see more footage too!