First of all, STOP SHOOTING DOGMEAT. Seriously, he's so close to the ground and right in front of my companions, so how do you even hit him on accident???

Fallout 1 has a lack of substance for many missions, many of them hardly add anything to the playing experience and some don't even work. There's one mission in the game that just doesn't work, and it changes one of the endings. Not many interesting moments in dialogue and most missions feel the same. Some of the areas you go to also feel very empty and as if they are missing something, things were probably cut from the final game that causes this problem because something has to be missing at parts.

The combat isn't too bad after a while and definitely an improvement from its spiritual predecessor Wasteland, however your companions and the NPCs in general made combat feel like such a slow mess and were constantly shooting each other or me on accident, or they would get in my line of sight so I couldn't shoot the enemy.

Despite all that, the lore and world building is amazing, the ending is great and the route I chose really satisfied me. I love the main quest and the ways the story unfolds. Getting power armor instantly made things more fun, and energy weapons were a lot of fun too. But despite all it does well, the headache along the way just feels like too much at times.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2022
